Hey Spacemesh Community,
Following the recent AMA, we’ve received valuable feedback from several members who feel that some of the toughest questions remain unanswered or unclear. First, we appreciate your honesty and engagement—it’s what keeps us accountable and moving forward.
This post aims to address those concerns directly, transparently, and with clear calls to action for how you can be a part of Spacemesh’s next chapter.
Current Challenges and Our Response
1. Team Reduction & Manpower Shortage
We recognize the need to clarify where we stand. Due to significant resource constraints and in order to preserve our cash reserves, we made the difficult decision to reduce our development team by approximately 50%. Our team now consists of five core engineers—each representing the pillars necessary to sustain and advance the protocol.
What can the community do?
- Developers: contribute to go-spacemesh and our other projects.
- Join the conversation on Discord #dev_discussion.
2. Are We Raising More Capital?
Yes! We are actively engaged in discussions with several investors about additional funding rounds. These conversations are ongoing, and we will share more details once they are finalized.
What can the community do?
- We always welcome and appreciate any leads.
3. Is a Relaunch on the Table?
Yes, that’s one of the options that we’re seriously exploring. Such a move would incorporate improvements that will make our network more decentralized and attractive to home smeshers.
Key upgrades would include:
- Sync V2
- ATX V2
- PoST Merge
- Revamped Tokenomics
In the event that we relaunch, it will require all smeshers to re-initialize their storage, but their SMH balance will be migrated.
What can the community do?
- Prior to relaunch, we’ll need your help in mobilizing thousands of home smeshers.
- Spread the word and recruit new participants to the Spacemesh mission.
4. Timeline for Athena VM
Athena MVP is estimated to be production-ready in approximately 6 months, based on our current team size and resources. If we secure additional funding and expand the team, this could be accelerated to 4 months.
What can the community do?
- Support the efforts highlighted above (points #1-#3).
- Help us build the best-in-class Spacemesh VM by providing feedback, contributing code, and sharing insights.
5. Partnerships in the Pipeline
As mentioned during the AMA, we are in discussions with several DEPIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network) players. These potential partnerships are designed to ensure that Athena VM is optimized to meet their unique needs.
We can’t disclose specifics yet, as premature information could jeopardize these discussions.
What can the community do?
- Stay patient and trust the process—we’ll share updates as soon as we can.
Why We Keep Going
We’re still here because the opportunity to build the most permissionless, accessible, fair, and decentralized programmable cryptocurrency is still within our grasp. If we succeed, we believe Spacemesh can benefit humanity on a massive scale.
We get it—things look rough right now. But the fundamentals remain unchanged:
- Rock-solid technology with next-level innovation
- Advanced cryptography and mathematically proven security
- Zero downtime since inception
- High throughput, albeit high latency
- AthenaVM in active development
- Backing by some of the best crypto investors in the space
What can the community do?
- Educate others about the risks and the potential of investing in Spacemesh.
- Encourage responsible investing: DYOR (Do Your Own Research) and never invest more than you can afford to lose.
Final Thoughts
The toughest part of this journey isn’t the technical challenges or the resource constraints—it’s the misinformation, the FUD, and the baseless accusations that question our integrity.
Let’s be clear:
There are projects in crypto that exist purely for short-term profit. Spacemesh is not one of them. We’re building infrastructure for the long haul. And as those who truly understand this space know, that’s no small feat.
We refuse to compromise on technology or values. We are fully committed to doing this the right way—no shortcuts. It takes time, effort, and significant resources to develop something groundbreaking. That’s the challenge we’re managing every single day.
If this were about the money, we’d have walked away a long time ago. Instead, we continue to work day and night, often on minimal budgets, to bring our vision to life. Personally, I’ve invested a significant amount of my own money into Spacemesh. We’ve always been transparent about the risks and the challenges, and that hasn’t changed.
Have we made mistakes? Absolutely. And we own them. But one thing no one can take from us is our integrity.
Many projects in this space have faced—and overcome—enormous challenges. We are still here. Fighting. Pushing forward. And we will succeed.
We want you with us. Not for us, but for the community and for the industry. Because real change is never easy. It’s built by people who refuse to give up.
We’re still here.
And we’re not stopping.
We’ll be hosting another AMA in about 3 weeks!
Together, let’s make Spacemesh great again:
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